Daniel López
I’m an ecologist (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona) with a MSc in “Biodiversity and Conservation in Tropical Areas” (CSIC-UIMP). I became a member of Prof Preziosi’s lab after being Research Coordinator at the Timburi Cocha Research Station (University of Manchester - Universidad Estatal Amazónica, Ecuador). My tasks were organising and helping undergraduate researchers in the Amazon Basin.
I am currently doing an MPhil with Prof R. Preziosi and Dr J. Rowntree assessing the mesopredator community structure (diversity and abundance) through a camera trap survey in the surrounding areas of the field station in Ecuador. At the same time, I’ve deployed hair traps in the rainforest in order to extract genetic barcodes for Ecuadorian mammals.
I’m really interested in ecological interactions, conservation genetics and biogeography. I think they are all key to the preservation our biodiversity.